
In the mysore classes, not everyone starts their practice at the same time, and often when you enter the shala, there are already practitioners. Please enter quietly, take off your shoes and wait for a teacher to meet you and register you.

If you use a Multisport card or the Anjoy app, register before you start.

Please bring a towel and your own yogamat. If you do not have a mat, you can borrow one from the studio. You are welcome to store your own mat at the studio.

After the practice, clean it with a towel and spray, which you will find in a basket. The towels we use for cleaning are disposable. Leave the wet towel in the laundry basket in the locker room.

Remember to turn your phone to silent and keep it safely in your bag for the duration of the class.

It is recommended that at least 2 hours have passed since your last meal. We do not drink water during the practice.

Personal hygiene is an integral part of practicing yoga. Please ensure that you and your clothing and mat are clean and odor-free.

During Led Primary Series classes and Moon Day Practice classes, please arrive a few minutes before the sign-in.

If you come by bike, take it with you to the studio. We have a place in the hallway or on the same floor.

Practice without violence and love your body.