Ashtanga yoga Intensive with Marque Garaux
From Tristana Ashtanga Yoga Sofia
We are extremely pleased to invite you to
Ashtanga Intensive with Marque Garaux
from 28 to 31 October 2022
in Tristana Ashtanga Yoga,
Sofia, Bulgaria
One of the most inspiring teachers in the Ashtanga yoga tradition, Mark Garaux, will visit us in October! ❤️
This is a great opportunity for all of us to feel the energy of Mark, to gain new knowledge about the practice, to receive individual guidance and to practice under the supervision of such an experienced teacher!
It is a great honor for me that Mark accepted my invitation and will travel from Ohio to be with us! 🥰
The seminar is suitable for all levels of practitioners! Beginners are welcome!
The practices will be extremely useful for practitioners and teachers in other styles of yoga who would like to deepen their knowledge in the method and in the correct performance of asanas.
Mark is an inspiration! ❤️
Let’s welcome him in Bulgaria properly!
🧘 Who is Mark Garaux?
Marque Garaux, a US Marine Veteran, long time rock climber and overall outdoor enthusiast, discovered Ashtanga Yoga while seeking different ways to alleviate his lower back pain. After noticing an almost immediate physical change, Marque then slowly began to see other positive changes happening in his life as well. With no Ashtanga teachers in the area, he found himself with no choice but to get up early and practice with his wife before work everyday. During this time Marque also attended a 200 hour teacher training and several Ashtanga workshops and intensives to deepen his understanding of this beautiful system.
In the fall of 2014 Marque decided to follow in the footsteps of the teachers that he most respected and applied for study at the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute (KPJAYI). Marque was accepted and spent the first 2 months of 2015 in Mysore, India learning under the guidance of R. Sharath Jois. Since that first trip, Marque has practiced with Sharath during multiple US tours and has also returned to India several times and has practiced under both Sharath and Saraswathi. Marque received the blessing as an Authorized Level 2 teacher from Sharath on December 12th, 2017 during his morning practice.
Marque and his wife Sarah are the owners of Great Lakes Ashtanga Yoga which is located on eight wooded acres in Geneva, Ohio. They offer a full Mysore program, private lessons and workshops.
📍What does the seminar include?
3 Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style Practices
1 Ashtanga yoga Led class – Full Primary
2 Yoga workshops
1 Discussion, philosophy
Time for questions and answers
Friday – 28.10.
18:00 – 19:30 – Led class, Full Primary
19:45 – 20:45 – Discussion, philosophy, questions and answers, introduction
Saturday – 29.10.
7:00 – 10:00 – Mysore practice
Within a group setting, each student is taught on a one to one basis with the teacher using both verbal instruction and physical adjustments to correct the alignment of the postures.
10:30 – 12:30 – Workshop 1
Lift Up: Anatomy, Drills, Q & A
The key to effortless looking strength is to understand the foundational rules of gravity and balance. A lifetime of climbing has taught Marque that gravity is always at work on our physical bodies. It never rests. In order to create the illusion of weightlessness, we must work harder and smarter. During this 2 hour workshop Marque will explain how to target specific muscle groups that are key to building a solid foundation that we can balance on. We will practice many drills including Marque’s daily essentials then followed by a Question and Answer period.
Sunday – 30.10
7:00 – 10:00 – Mysore practice
10:30 – 12:30 – Workshop 2
Intelligent Backbends: The Healing Practice of Spinal Extension
The way you move today, greatly affects the way you will move tomorrow. The average individual on any given day will move their spine into flexion far more than they will move it into extension. Our daily activities and gravity are moving us forward at such a highly repetitive rate that the soft tissues connected to the spine will inevitably weaken, at some point the spine will lose it’s natural S curve, and we will be left with a chronic pain that makes us want to move less and less. This is all avoidable if you learn to counter the movements of daily life with an intelligent and balanced yoga practice. Join Marque Garaux for an anatomical discussion, practical application and Q and A.
Monday – 31.10
7:00 – 10:00 – Mysore practice
Tristana Ashtanga Yoga Sofia
Str. Iskar 54, fl. 2
Sofia, Bulgaria
💵How much will it cost?
Super early booking (until the end of July): BGN 390 (200 EUR)
Early booking (until the end of August): BGN 420 (215 EUR)
Regular price: BGN 450 (230 EUR)
📑How is the registration done?
To save your place, fill in the registration form:
For additional information and questions, contact us in a personal message on our website or by phone 0899424747.
💰To save your place, a deposit of BGN 100 (50 EUR) is required.
You can pay on the spot in Tristana Ashtanga Yoga Sofia (54 Iskar Str.), Pay Pal or by bank transfer.
⚠️In case of refusal by a participant, paid amounts are not refunded.
The mats are limited.